Amber And Pearl Earrings

, Ontario 20-21 d.
, French River County, ON 20-21 d.
, Ontario (ON) 19-20 d.
, Gananoque, (ON) Ontario 19-21 d.
, Ontario 19 d.


Deal of the day: US $5.64-$61.23

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  1. This effect is only possible in some specimens of Dominican amber category, in some Mexican ambers from Chiapas and some ambers from Indonesia.
  2. These studies show that the blue variety reveals an intense fluorescence emission in the visible wavelength region, between 430 and 530 nm, with spectral features typical of aromatic hydrocarbons.
  3. They are often mixtures of organic compounds. principally terpenes.
  4. The result is the slight blue hue of blue amber.
  5. Amber is the common name for fossil resin.
  6. When polished, amber has a resinous luster.

Overview: It was idea since the 1850s that the resin that became yellow-brown was produced away the tree Pinites succinifer. To a greater extent lately, it has been proposed, on attest of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of amber and resin from aliveness trees, that conifers of family unit Sciadopityaceae were responsible.


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